Intensified insulin therapy (ICT), Functional Insulin Therapy (FIT), Basis-Bolus-Therapy (BBT) – different names for modern types of insulin therapy when we try to copy the metabolic situation of healthy individuals by multiple daily injections and several blood glucose tests per day. Time and amount of food uptake can be chosen freely.
The principles of this therapy are the separate application of middle- to long acting insulin (morning and evening or morning, noon and late evening), to cover basal insulin need for 24 hours.
Additionally the patient applies short-acting insulin to cover the need for insulin after meal or to correct for high blood glucose levels = bolus.
Patients have to care about Injection/Meal-Distance which is depending on the used type of insulin between 0 (insulin analogue) and 30 minutes (regular insulin).
ICT works well for type 1 diabetics, motivated type 2 diabetics and pregnants. ICT enables the patient to achieve good glycemic control with avoiding both hypo- and hyperglycemia.
This kind of therapy allows an adaption to individual lifestyle. People performing this kind of therapy need an intensive training. They have to check blood glucose levels 4 -7 times a day, keep an accurate diary and they need to be willing to inject insulin several times a day.