Another name for insulin pump therapy is CSII, meaning continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion. Insulin pump therapy allows a much better diabetes management as we are able to deliver insulin (regular insulin or short acting analogues) in very small pre-programmed increments for basal insulin needs around the clock.
This copies the physiological function of a healthy pancreas and blood sugar levels in a fasting state and between meals stays stable. Up to the individual needs of a diabetic insulin amounts can be programmed adapted to his needs.
Insulin which is needed to cover meals is delivered precisely by an easy button press.
This allows diabetics to be absolutely flexible: doing sports, sleeping longer, enjoying life works perfects after an appropriate training on the pump.
Medical indications for using an insulin pump are: fluctuations in blood glucose which cannot be controlled; Dawn-phenomenon, insulin resistency, hypoglycemia anawareness, frequent hypoglycemia, painful diabetic neuropathy, exercise and pregnancy.